Choosing The Best Veterinary Clinic

Things you don’t know about your puppy

Kyle Vet

4 Elmhurst Dr. Suite C Kyle, TX 78640



Admit it, your doggo is your best buddy, you long walk partner and your catch buddy as well. You know when to feed them, when they need to be walked. You know when they are feeling sad and when they are overwhelmed but do you know everything there is to know about them? Well, you’re in for a surprise. We are about to tell you things that you do not know about your dog:

Chasing the tail is an alarming sign

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We see our dogs sometimes running in circles chasing their tails. It looks super cute, but it might be a sign to take your dog to a pet care clinic. You need to show your dog to a veterinarian to pinpoint the cause. The reason being that dogs chase their tails when they feel discomfort especially in their tails. It could be fleas, predatory instinct or some other issue that should be sorted by your nearest animal hospital.

Dogs have dreams too

You should not be alarmed when you see your dog moving in their sleep. Research has found that dogs have the ability to dream while they sleep. If your dog is barking or yelping in their sleep, chances are that they are having a dream. Humans and dogs both have photographic memory, this causes them to imagine and have dreams.

Dogs can see at night

Yes, that’s true. Dogs are equipped with night vision. This is one of the reasons that they are good watchkeepers at night because they can see anyone coming in and out during the night. Dogs have tapetum lucidem that helps them see clearly at night.

Dogs sense rain

Although some researchers disagree but some studies do claim that dogs can sense when it’s going to rain. If you see your dog being unusual it might be because of a looming rainstorm. Better safe than sorry.

They have sweaty pawpads

Yes. Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws. They can sweat like humans. They sweat through their pads, so the next time you feel their pawpads going sweaty you might want to give them a bath.

If their nose is sticky, they are smelling

Dogs are great at smelling things; hence they are always at a crime sight. Their nose secretes mucous that helps them recognize and remember smells. Dogs can smell 10,000 times better than a human being. This also explains when you drop food somewhere and dogs find them. When you play fetch with the dog they actually use their nose more than their eyes to help find the thrown item.


These above factors strengthen the notion that dogs are indeed a man’s best friend. They can help one in any situation. When you see your dog doing anything unusual you must not assume, visit Republic Veterinary Hospital -- (512) 269-0738 -- to get to learn more about your canine. You might have had a dog for 5 years but you still might not know him because dogs are such talented creatures that we keep learning more and more about.

